Golden Eagle Snatches Kid: FACT or FAKE

By now over 2 million YouTube viewers have seen this viral video.  Many questions have been raised about its validity.  So, we took some time on this snowy Colorado day to analyse this video and give you our thoughts since our day got sidetracked by this storm.  This is not a complete review of our findings, but a sample of what we do when reviewing suspicious items, or review video for our clients.  Watch the YouTube video before reading on, if you have not seen it yet.

Have fun, and give us your thoughts below! 

The “child” has an odd posture.

The videographer says “Oh S#!t” right at the moment of impact. Cognitively the brain should have taken longer to process this child is being swept away.

Wait, where is the eagle vanishing off to?  Hmmmmm… Problem with the CGI edit?  There are other video artifacts present too, but we won’t go to that level of detail.

0:15 the disappearing eagle

0:16 the disappearing eagle

Our victim: sitting upright and not a tear after such a violent drop.  Well, until they cut away from the child and the music begins. Remember the positioning of the hat in the earlier screen shot? The hat is now fully covering the head with only the face exposed.   Do the coats appear to be the same?

Let’s also consider the behavior of this child’s custodian. Is this how you would act if a child you were responsible for almost became and eagle snack? Would you consider giving them a shake?

Witnesses: The only two people you hear an audible response from are the videographer and the custodian. There were lots of people in this park. Kind of odd, but people are oblivious, so I will give them that one.

Chariots of fire? Really? Replaying in slow motion, adding the additional baby cry, and the “eagle scream” (by the way which was a hawk, not an eagle). The producer of this video is working extra hard to convince you this is a real event.

This is clearly a FAKE in our opinion and we believe our evidence supports it. If MrNuclearCat would like, we would be glad to discuss this video and give them an opportunity to defend their video.

Now, with that all said, a nice little clap to them for generating a viral video buzz.

~ S2 Risk Solutions

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